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Session 019

The party sails for a few days and makes plans for how they will defeat the white dragon. Two of Koda’s owlbears have hatched and they spend some time speaking to them. They discover that while one is rather cute and cuddly, her brother seems a bit… off.

On their last day of travel, the group navigates the ice flows through the blizzard surrounding the iceberg. Their boat takes some damage as they pass, and Fionnlagh and Morn take this time to talk. Finn is nervous about the upcoming battle, the amulet, and the owlbears.

Two water elementals, guardians of the iceberg, attack. They fight them off while trying to keep their boats from sinking. When at last their new enemies are defeated, they see kobolds on canoes. One of the kobolds recognizes the group and promises to bring them to their village to speak to their chieftain.